The whole group

My Favorite (yeah I'm keeping it)

A pretty teal one

A plethora of color

YAY!!! Finally after a year and four months I am hosting a party at my house. I have a new roommate, a large kitchen, a dining room set for 8 and a new couch and chair (which I finally purchased after living without furniture for a year because I was being picky).
So I put myself in charge of the invites. I will also clean, shop and prep but thankfully my new roomie is a chef so he will be doing all the cooking (thank god because if it was me no one would ever come back to my house again).
Thanks to my friend Sarah Coffman and Virgil O' Stamps I have been inspired to reuse cereal boxes for the invites. (And yes, Sarah I did get your Cheerios holiday card ~ thank you).
I started with a ink drawing of a map to my place. Printed and cut them all out (26 so far). Pulled out all of the cereal from their boxes and cut them up. With hot pink masking tape I taped maps all individually to the outside part of the box. I took a cut square from a 1970's pattern's tissue for each one and glued it on the inside of the box ~ well once was a box. I painted a few ideas for the actual picture for the invitation. I decided making a stamp would be a faster, more cohesive way of painting I wanted to have for the piece. Although I wasn't expecting it to take me over 2 hours to paint, trace, transfer and then carve out the stamp for the quicker way of going about things. The whole process took about 14 hours but it was a great project and it allowed me to hang out in my studio all day. Listening to music, creating and sharing my space with friends to paint at the same time.
However long the result its fantastic! and I was able to get it to look the way I wanted and roller on several different colors. To share all of them with you.